
PATCH for SystemC-2.3 to keep the module hierarchy in VCD

As I have posted to SystemC Forum I wrote a small patch to keep the module hierarchy in VCD.
The patch modifies a PoC simulator to treat signal name as a dot-separated path.
VCD Hierarchy Manipulator is no more necessary.

How to get the patch

Please see my github page or simply wget it.

How to apply

% tar zxvf systemc-2.3.0.tgz
% cd systemc-2.3.0
% patch -p0 <  ../sc_vcd_trace.patch
% ./configure --any-options
% make
% make install 

How to Use

No need to modify the SystemC model. All you need to do is just rebuild your design with the patched systemc library. You will get the VCD as a following screen shot.

If you want to disable this feature, set an environmental variable SC_VCD_NO_HIERARCHY.


I only tested with a small example. Any feedback is welcome.

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